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AVAM Solutions

Find out more about the many ways AVAM Solutions can work with you to help you achieve your procurement and supply chain objectives.

“My supplier spend keeps increasing and I feel it is getting out of control”

Cost Reduction initiatives start with an effective “Opportunity Assessment” supported by a robust spend analysis.

Most companies simply do not have good visibility of what they spend. Maybe they are able to identify their top suppliers but in most cases they are not able to see their spend in categories, or see the tail of suppliers and the full fragmentation.

From this, a list of opportunities for cost reduction can be drawn up – each with a potential range of savings associated (taking into account many factors such a the addressability of the spend in question). This allows us to develop an initiative pipeline, laying out the sequence, time taken, dependencies and potential benefits of each initiative.

Once the planning is completed, AVAM Solutions turn their focus to execution. We have a strong record of delivery of cost reduction for our clients through various processes such as re-tendering categories of spend, renegotiating contracts and redefining specifications.

Have a look at some of our case studies for more detail.

“My suppliers aren’t performing well enough or delivering the value we expected”

Procurement is more than simply negotiating deals. It is also about ensuring that the value expected from those deals fully materialises into your business.

Studies have shown that up to 40% of the value a contract was designed to deliver to your business can be lost as a result not having the right level of contract management.

To help address this challenge, AVAM Solutions offer a fully outsourced and affordable contract management service which manages your contract data and conducts systematic reviews with your selected suppliers.

We will create you a central repository with all of your contract information, so you have one, highly visible, source of the truth. We will set up and oversee a series of focussed contract review meetings with selected suppliers throughout the year, during which we can measure performance against KPIs, track cost reduction, explore innovation and mitigate risk. And these will be complemented by annual strategic reviews with key suppliers, taking a higher level look at relationships, opportunities and innovation.

Have a look at some of our case studies for more detail.  

“We’ve got so many projects to deliver, but don’t have enough capacity in the team to do them ourselves”

Capacity is often an issue for thinly stretched procurement teams in all organisations.

Sometimes, the opportunity pipeline is very clear but there are simply not enough internal resources available to deliver them in a timely and efficient manner.

For these challenges, AVAM Solutions can provide highly experienced, trained and qualified personnel to your organisation on an interim basis to take full ownership of project delivery. We will meet stakeholders, agree the key deliverables and then deliver against a statement of work.

So, if you have a tender which needs delivering, contracts which need re-negotiating, a supplier mobilisation or exit to manage, a new system to be implemented, policies and procedures to update or any other project requirement, we would be delighted to help.

Have a look at some of our case studies for more detail.

“I know I need a procurement strategy but just don’t know where to start”

In order to deliver well, effective strategic planning is fundamentally important.

But at certain points during the year, many organisations are so busy “doing” they don’t have sufficient time for planning.

AVAM Solutions can support you with this challenge. We are experienced in creating strategic plans and reports for procurement teams, covering the following:

Have a look at some of our case studies for more detail.

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