Case Study

Spring Fibre Case Study

  • Develop a robust procurement strategy and governance manual.
  • Ensure value for money and risk reduction.
  • Strengthen procurement and supply chain capabilities by designing, recruiting and training a new procurement team.
  • Procurement Strategy and Manual Development: Created a comprehensive strategy and detailed manual outlining processes and governance for procurement.
  • Team Structure and Recruitment: Provided recommendations for the optimal procurement team structure and supported the recruitment of a new Head of Supply Chain.
  • Training and Onboarding: Delivered training on UK supply chain due diligence and onboarding checks for Pre-Qualification.
  • NEC4 Contract Negotiations: Led negotiations with 10 Design and Build partners under the NEC4 contract framework.
  • Comprehensive procurement strategy implemented.
  • Improved governance, ensuring value for money.
  • Successful recruitment of a Head of Supply Chain.
  • Enhanced team capabilities in supply chain management.
  • Secured favourable terms through NEC4 contract negotiations.

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